Why is there a pile of orange peels behind my chair in the living room?

So I went and posted 4x in a week for the New Year, and now nothing for weeks. Well, I’ve been a little busy here in DinoWorld. Getting ready for Carlitos’ 4th birthday, and I’ve gone a little craft crazy. Couponing, cleaning, collecting newspapers for all of the freaking paper mache stuff we’re making, etc.

Here’s some highlights of a few things I’ve found amusing here:

What's up with that? This is the spot the dog likes to lay in, has she started stealing clementines?



Carlitos has an eagle eye when it comes to hidden Mickeys (google it if you don’t know). Here’s one he spotted in the candy dish:


So I hate to admit it, but the couponing thing got out of hand for a week or two there. It is time consuming if you let it be, and I guess after all that work you want to show off what a great deal you got! Alot of the readers on the blogs I read take pictures of their haul from the week, and post the amount spent, saved, etc. I decided to take a picture one week for the fun of it,  I think that week I saved $93 and paid $66, a 59% discount from full price. Of course I then had to try and squeeze 12 boxes of Weight Watchers desserts into the freezer!


Here’s my paper mache helper- he had a big scab on his nose from diving onto the carpet at school. Getting ready to make a dozen large dinosaur eggs for the party!

So then I started reading websites about paper mache and decided to make a T-Rex. Oy vey. Here’s the beginning of it:

The model
The T REx’s bones!

Look forward to an update, I’m a little afraid if what will happen if this comes out good. I’m using wires from an old broken umbrella as leg supports, and had to fill the tail with rocks to keep it from tipping over. I already tend to save things in case I need them for a project, this could be trouble!

And of course we went to Dinosaur World- which was awesome!
I have to learn to stop asking why.

About debratap

Mom, artist, analyst- taking some time to figure it all out!
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6 Responses to Why is there a pile of orange peels behind my chair in the living room?

  1. Laura Across the Street says:

    Needed this to smile just now…Thank you, Love and Hugs, L


  2. am says:

    oranges take away bad smells…so not such a bad thing 😉


  3. Mom says:

    It’s all fun. I can’t wait for the next project.


  4. rebecca says:

    Awesome beginning on the dinosaur. You are amazing…Just pulled out the notes you took from one of those meetings at your house! I have started blogging…have you seen it?
    Continue to be the best…YOU ARE!


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